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Privacy Notice for Consumers

Read more below.


HKScan Oyj, 0111425-3, and/or any affiliate entity owned or controlled by HKScan Oyj in Finland (hereinafter jointly and separately “HKScan”, “we”, “us”) is the data controllers in relation to the processing of your personal data as a consumer. Therefore, this privacy notice applies to communication between you and us as part of HKScan’s consumer services or consumer marketing activities in Finland.

On this page, we describe how we collect, process and share the personal data that we receive, collect and store. Personal data means any information which may be used to identify an individual.

It is important to us that you feel safe with how we handle your personal data. We take measures to ensure that your personal data is protected and that the processing of your personal data is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection regulations and our internal policies and procedures. In order to obtain more specific information of the retention periods of personal data, please see your local language version of this privacy notice.

From where do we collect your personal data

We may collect your personal data in the following ways:

Personal data that you give to us, e.g. by way of filling in forms on our website, corresponding with us through website’s chat function, by telephone or email.

Personal data that we collect or generate automatically, e.g. when you visit our website, we will automatically collect personal data about you and your visit from website cookies that we use, including the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet (read more about processing of your personal data on our websites here).

When and why we process your personal data

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Answer questions and handle feedback

If you contact us to provide feedback or ask questions, we will process your personal data for the purposes of answering your questions and handling feedback. You may provide feedback or questions to us via different channels, e.g. by filling and submitting forms on our website, by communicating with us through website’s chat function or by calling our consumer services.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Your communication

Legitimate interests. The processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interests of answering questions and handling feedback.

Storage period: Your personal data is stored for this purpose only as long as necessary for the purpose it was collected, unless storing your personal data is necessary for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.


Answer complaints and handle claims

If you contact us to provide a claim for compensation, such as complaint on the quality of our product and a claim for compensation due to harms caused by our product, we will process your personal data for the purposes of answering your complaint and handling the claim.


Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Your communication
  • Financial information
  • Health data

Legitimate interests. The processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interests of answering complaints and handling claims.

Processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims (Article 9 (2) (f) GDPR). The processing of health data is necessary in order to handle your claim.    

Storage period: Your personal data is stored during the complaint or claim handling process. Following the completion of the complaint or claim handling process, your personal data is stored for a period necessary in order to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.


Ensure quality of and improve our consumer services

When you contact us by telephone, we will automatically record calls received. In this connection, we may process your personal data for the purposes of ensuring quality and improving our consumer services. For instance, we may use call records to ensure that you have received good service from us or to improve the quality of our consumer services through internal trainings.  


Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Call records

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to ensure quality of and improve our consumer services.

Storage period: Call records are stored for as long as is required to satisfy the purpose for which they were collected and thereafter if it is necessary for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.


Promote our brand and carry out prize draws or competitions

When you participate to price draws or competitions organized by us, we will process your personal data for the purposes of promoting our brand in connection with carrying out the prize draw or competition in question. We will contact prize draw or competition winners separately in order to deliver the prize. You may participate to our price draws or competitions by providing your personal data to us through digital platforms (e.g. social media or our website) or on live events.  


Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Your communication
  • Social media accounts

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to promote our brand in connection with carrying out prize draw or competition (including prize delivery to winners).

Storage period: Your personal data is stored during the term of prize draw or competition and thereafter as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data was collected. In case you win in our price draw or competition and receive a prize as a result of your winning, we will store your personal data in order to comply with applicable tax law obligations.


Communication for brand building and marketing purposes

If you sign up to subscribe newsletters or similar information provided by automatic means, we will process your personal data for the purposes of providing the requested subscription or information to you as well as in order to promote our brand and products.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details

Consent. The processing is necessary in order to provide the requested subscription or information to you as well as to promote our brand and products.

Storage period: Your personal data will be stored as long as your subscription is active. Your personal data will be deleted after you withdraw your subscription (you can withdraw your consent by following the withdrawal link or by contacting us in accordance with this privacy notice).    


Comply with legal obligations

We process your personal data in order to fulfil legal obligations, e.g. accounting or tax related obligations.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

All categories of personal data that have been col­lected and which are necessary in order to fulfill each legal obligation.

Legal obligation. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill our legal obligations.

Storage period: Your personal data is stored for such period that is necessary in relation to each legal obliga­tion.

Recipients that we share your personal data with

Where necessary, we share your personal data with others. The recipient is the data processor for the processing of your personal data, unless we have stated otherwise.

We share your personal data with:

Service providers

In order to fulfil the purposes of the processing of your personal data, we share personal data with service providers that we have engaged. These service providers provide IT (such as operation, technical support and maintenance of IT systems), consulting and marketing services to us. The service providers may only process your personal data for these purposes and in accordance with our instructions and not for their own purposes. We are the data controller for the processing of personal data that the service providers carry out on our behalf.

Other recipients

In certain cases we share, if necessary, your personal data with other recipients for certain purposes e.g. when fulfilling our legal obligations or handling and defending legal claims.



Legal basis for the transfer

HKScan Group companies

We may share necessary personal data with other HKScan Group companies for internal administrative purposes, e.g. when handling your complaints or claims.

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill our legitimate interests relating to internal administration purposes.

Public authorities

We share necessary personal data with public authorities if we are obligated under law to disclose the information.

Legal obligation. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill legal obligations.

External advisors

We share necessary information with external advisors, e.g. audit firms, and law firms if we are obligated under law to share the information or in order to manage and defend legal claims.

Legal obligation and legitimate interest. The processing is neces­sary in order to fulfill legal obli­gations or, alternatively, to fulfil our legitimate interest of managing and defending legal claims.

Courts, counterparties etc.

In order to manage and defend legal claims we share personal data to other parties.

Legitimate interest. The pro­cessing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of managing and defending legal claims.

Law enforcement authorities, e.g. police

We share personal data with law en­forcement authorities, e.g. the police if we are obligated under law to disclose information.

Legal obligation. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill legal obligations.

Potential buyers and sellers

We share personal data with potential buyers and sellers in case of an acquisi­tion of the business or a merger.

Legitimate interest. The pro­cessing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of carrying out the acquisition or the merger.

Insurance companies

We may share your personal data with insurance companies in case we use our insurance policies to cover compensation payed to you.

Legitimate interest. The pro­cessing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest.


We share your personal data with banks in case we pay you compensation.

Legitimate interest. The pro­cessing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest.


Where we process personal data

We always strive to store and process personal data within the EU/EEA. However, some of our service providers are located outside the EU/EEA and in such a case personal data will be processed outside the EU/EEA. In order to ensure that the personal data is protected we make sure that appropriate safeguards are in place in relation to the service providers which handles your personal outside the EU/EEA, e.g. by way of data transfer agreements (which include standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission). If you have questions regarding to which countries your personal data is transferred and which safeguards we take to protect your personal data, or to request a copy of such safeguards and information, respectively, where they are available, please contact us at

Your rights

Under data protection regulations, you have certain rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. We process your personal data to the extent necessary in order to fulfill your rights. Please submit requests for exercising your rights through our data privacy website or by contacting us at

You have the right to:

Access your personal data

You have the right to access personal data we process about you. You may request a copy of your personal data through our data privacy website, which can be found here. We will provide you with it unless we have lawful reasons not to share this data or if sharing the data would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

Update your personal data

Furthermore, you have the right to request that incorrect or incomplete personal data is corrected or completed.

Withdraw consent

To the extent we rely on your consent to process personal data you have the right to at any time with­draw your consent. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Object to the processing of personal data

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on a legitimate interest for reasons which concerns your particular situation. In such a situation, we will stop using your personal data where the processing is based on a legitimate interest, unless we can show that the interest over­rides your privacy interest or that the use of your personal data is necessary in order to manage or defend legal claims.

Delete your personal data

Under certain circumstances you have the right to request that your personal data is deleted. However, we cannot delete your personal data if we for example are obligated under law to keep the data.

Restrict the use of your personal data

You have the right under certain circumstances to request that the processing of your personal data is restricted. If the processing of your personal data has been restricted we may only, besides storing the data, process your personal data with your consent, or in order to establish, exercise or defend legal claims or to defend rights of others.

Transfer your personal data (data portability)

Finally, you have the right to request a copy of the personal data that we store about you in a struc­tured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability). The right to data portability, compared to the right to access, only comprises such personal data you yourself have provided and which we process based on certain legal grounds, e.g. your consent.

We can update this information

We may occasionally update this information, e.g. if we would process personal data for new pur­poses, collect additional categories of personal data or share personal data with other recipients. In such a case we will notify you in an appropriate way. The latest version of the information is always published on this page.


If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us. See below for contact details. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority within your jurisdiction.

HKScan Oyj
Company registration number: 0111425-3
Lemminkäisenkatu 48, 20520 Turku

Information regarding categories of personal data

Please see the table below for further information regarding which categories of personal data that we process.


Examples of Personal Data

Identity details

  • First name, last name
  • Date of birth
  • Personal identity number

Contact details

  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number

Your communication

  • Any personal data you include into your contact

Financial information

  • Bank account information
  • Compensation details

Photos or video records

  • Photograph
  • Video

Health data

  • Health information provided by you, including information on the incident, medical certificates and photos

Call records


Social media accounts

  • Social media account profile you are using when contacting us