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Privacy Notice for Personnel and Fee Recipients

Read more below.

We protect your personal data

As an employee (for the purposes of this privacy notice, the term “employee” or “you” shall encompass employees who are in an employment relationship with us as well as other staff who are not in a formal employment relationship with us), you should feel comfortable with how we handle your personal data. That is why we are open about how we collect, process and share the personal data we store. We take steps to ensure that the personal data we store is always protected and that our processing is in accordance with the applicable data protection rules and our internal guidelines and procedures.

HKScan Oyj, HKScan Finland Oy or Paimion Teurastamo Oy (“HKScan”) is the data controller for the processing of your personal data in accordance with this privacy notice unless otherwise stated. The relevant data controller for the processing of your personal data is the HKScan employer with whom you have concluded your employment agreement (or other agreement).

Where do we collect your personal data

We collect personal data primarily from yourself. However, we may also collect your personal data from elsewhere if you have provided your consent for such collection; or where an authority discloses your personal data for us in order to comply with a legal obligation; or where the collection of your personal data is permitted by law.

To sum up, we may collect your personal data from:


Personal data you provide directly

We collect and process the personal data you submit to us directly; for example, in order to carry out follow-ups, evaluations and goal management (such as when carrying out and documenting staff appraisals) and to conduct employee surveys and to direct and distribute work (for example, in connection with planning annual leave or managing other forms of leave such as parental leave or leaves of absence).

Personal data we collect automatically

We may collect and process your personal data automatically; for example via video devices installed for different purposes, such as for ensuring the safety and welfare of animals, ensuring efficiency of production line, ensuring security of premises and our employees or visitors, as well as protecting our property (read more about the processing of your personal data through video devices here).

Relatives and other related persons

In the event of an accident or other emergency situation we may collect personal data which your relatives or other related persons may submit to us.

Public authorities

We collect and process personal data submitted to us by different authorities such as the Social Insurance Institution of Finland and the Finnish Tax Agency for the purposes of managing your salary and employment benefits and fulfilling legal obligations (for example, in connection with illnesses or rehabilitation).

Insurance companies

We collect and process personal data submitted to us by insurance companies for the purpose of managing your salary and employment benefits (such as pensions and insurance premiums), for evaluation and security reasons (for example, in connection with an insurance claim resulting from an accident) and in order to handle and meet legal requirements (for example, in connection with a dispute or legal process).

Trade unions

We collect and process personal data submitted to us by the relevant trade unions; for example, for the purposes of directing and distributing work (for example, in connection with employment matters), carrying out business changes and handling and meeting legal requirements (for example, in connection with a claim or legal process).

Occupational healthcare service provider

Where you have provided your consent or where the collection of your personal data is permitted by law (e.g. in cases where you are disabled or your ability to work is endangered and the occupational healthcare provides advice on the use of special working tools, your rehabilitation or medical treatment), we may receive your personal data from occupational healthcare service provider.

Other sources

In addition, we collect details about you submitted by parties other than those mentioned above, such as suppliers or service providers; for example, when communicating with such parties.

Why we process your personal data

In simple terms, we process your data for the purposes of:

  • managing your employment;
  • managing business activities;
  • communication;
  • employee welfare; and
  • safety and security.

The purposes for which your personal data is processed are detailed below. For further information about the categories of personal data we process, for how long we process them and on what legal basis, please see document titled Detailed information about the personal data we process, which can be found at HKScan’s shared intranet or which you can request a copy of from your HR manager.  

Your employment

Managing the employment relationship

We process your data for the purpose of managing the employment relationship; for example, when: drawing up and entering into employment contracts with you; storing basic information such as your name, position etc. in our systems; managing user accounts and work equipment such as mobile phones; issuing warnings, if necessary, to prevent unwanted behaviour; and managing changes in employment conditions, including terminations of employment and providing certificates of employment.

Managing salaries and employment benefits

We process your data for the purpose of managing your salary and employment benefits; for example, when managing absence information, monitoring working hours, calculating and paying your salary, handling salary adjustments and sending payslips to you. Similarly, we may process your data in order to withhold trade union membership fees from your salary, as requested by you.

In addition, we process your data in connection with managing annual leave, pensions and insurance premiums, company car and car fringe benefits, and business expense payments.

Carrying out salary reviews

We process your data for the purpose of carrying out salary reviews; for example, when producing documentation about goals achieved and informing you of changes in salary. For the same purpose, we may also verify your trade union membership where necessary.

Managing skills development

We process your data for the purpose of managing skills development; for example, when conducting training courses, carrying out development discussions, storing training results and evaluating and following up on completed courses as well as producing reports and statistics.

Carrying out employee surveys

We process your data for the purpose of carrying out employee surveys; for example, when sending out employee surveys and collecting and evaluating results from completed surveys.

Carrying out events and other staff activities

We process your data for the purpose of holding events and other staff activities; for example, for communicating event-related information and for registering participation and any food preferences or allergies.

Business activities

Directing and delegating work

We process your data for the purpose of directing and distributing work; for example, in the case of needs and staff planning, shift scheduling, planning annual leave and managing other forms of leave such as leaves of absence and parental leave.

Managing the premises

We process your data for the purpose of managing our business activities and premises; for example, when managing room bookings, locker rooms, food orders, reporting any faults relating to the office premises, taking inventories, logging IT support events and managing the post and delivery of parcels.

Documenting business activities

We process your data for the purpose of documenting business activities; for example, in connection with drawing up business documentation such as project documents.

Carrying out business changes

We process your data for the purpose of carrying out business changes; for example, in connection with reorganisations. Similarly, we process your personal data in connection with relocation investigations and for carrying out negotiations with trade union organisations.

Evaluating and following up on business activities

We process your data for the purpose of evaluating and following up on business activities such as producing reports and statistics; for example, for payroll statistics and key statistics related to absence, staff turnover, projects and managing, following up on risk-assessment activities, including those which are security-related.

Internal and external communication

Facilitating communication

We process your data for the purpose of facilitating employee communication; for example, for managing our digital address book containing employees’ names and contact details and facilitating business communication between employees and external parties.

Communication about business activities and changes

We process your data for the purpose of facilitating both internal and external communication related to business activities and changes; for example, for publishing business news items via the various internal channels, including the intranet and when publishing press releases and financial reports via external channels.

Communication for brand building and marketing purposes

We process your data in connection with external communication for the purpose of developing our brand and provide marketing content; for example if we publish names, pictures and contact details on our websites or other digital channels.

Employee welfare

Prevent work-related illnesses and accidents

We process your personal data for the purposes of preventing work-related illnesses and accidents. For example, we process your personal data when communicating with the occupational health care service provider in order to prevent work-related illnesses and accidents.

Supporting working and functional capacity

We may process your personal data in connection with carrying out medical examinations before the commencement of your employment relationship as well as during the employment relationship through periodical health examinations in order to support your working and functional capacity. Medical examinations are carried out in order to investigate whether the job presents a special risk of illness and/or investigate your working or functional capacity for the purposes of the health requirements associated with the job. In connection with above, we may also conduct a salmonella test if your position requires working with production, processing or distribution of beef, pig or poultry in order to determine your capacity to work as well as to ensure hygiene of foodstuffs and high sanitary quality of our products.   The medical examinations are be carried out in cooperation with our occupational health care service provider.

Monitor working capacity and provide early support

We may process your personal data in connection with monitoring your working capacity and, in case you are facing challenges on your work or your working ability is at risk, when providing early support to you. This may include receiving signals that your working ability is at risk from the occupational health care service provider as well as processing your personal data during different phases of our early support procedure (e.g. personal data collected in an early support interview).  

Providing exercise and culture benefits in order to promote wellbeing

We may process your personal data when providing exercise and culture benefits and transferring necessary personal data to our service provider for the purpose of promoting employee wellbeing.

Safety and security

Investigative and security reasons

We process your data in connection with investigations and for security reasons; for example, when registering access to the building, issuing entry badges or passes and managing access and permission rights to our IT resources. Similarly, we process your personal data in connection with logging and following up usage of our IT systems.

Moreover, we may process your personal information for the purpose of monitoring compliance with our guidelines, policies and procedures and for investigating such matters.

We may also, where necessary, process your personal data in connection with business-related incident management; for example, in the case of security incidents or when carrying out security investigations.

Video surveillance carried out for different purposes

We may process your data in connection with carrying out video surveillance on our premises (read more about the processing of your personal data through video surveillance here). Video surveillance areas are clearly signposted.

Managing and securing IT systems and services

We process your data for the purpose of managing and securing our IT systems and services; for example, when troubleshooting, making backup copies and managing system and application changes and problems. Similarly, we process your personal data in connection with logging IT system usage and managing security deviations.

Fulfilling legal obligations

We process your data for the purpose of fulfilling our legal obligations; for example, in order to fulfil the requirements of anti-discrimination, workplace and data protection legislation.

Anti-discrimination legislation

We process your data for the purpose of fulfilling current anti-discrimination legislation requirements; for example, in order to carry out salary surveys for the purpose of discovering, rectifying and preventing unreasonable differences in salary and other employment conditions and to take active measures to counter possible discrimination and otherwise promote equal rights and opportunities.

Workplace and rehabilitation

We process your data for the purpose of fulfilling workplace legislation requirements; for example, when, following workplace procedures and handling, investigating and remedying any incidents or accidents in the workplace.

Moreover, we process your data for the purpose of assisting with rehabilitation, when dealing with occupational health and safety authorities (such as the Social Insurance Institution of Finland and the Regional State Administrative Agencies).

Other employment law obligations

In addition, we process your data for the purpose of fulfilling other employment law obligations such as preparing certificates of employment and keeping a record of trade union negotiations and other statutory negotiations.

Other legal obligations

Moreover we process your data for the purpose of fulfilling other legal obligations such as complying with accounting and bookkeeping requirements under Finnish accounting law, carrying out salary deductions resulting from Finnish Enforcement Authority seizures and checking any qualifications or licenses required for employment positions, such as hygiene certificates.

Recipients we share information with

When necessary, we share your personal data with different recipients such as banks, service providers, trade unions, public authorities, insurance companies and external advisers (see below). As a general rule, the recipient acts as data controller for their own processing of your personal data. For detailed information about which personal details we share with different recipients and the legal basis for doing so, please see document titled Detailed information about the disclosures of personal data, which can be found at HKScan’s shared intranet or which you can request a copy of from your line manager or HR manager.

Service providers

To be able to fulfil the purposes of our processing your personal information, we share your personal data with companies which provide us with services (including IT). These companies may process your personal data only in accordance with our express instructions and may not use your data for their own purposes. They are also legally and contractually required to protect your personal data. HKScan is the data controller with regard to the above processing of personal data carried out by suppliers on our behalf.

Other recipients

When necessary, we also share your personal data with the following recipients e.g. when fulfilling legal obligations or handling and defending legal claims.



HKScan Group companies

We may share your personal data with other HKScan Group companies as part of internal reporting activities, in the context of a business reorganization or restructuring exercise, for system maintenance support and hosting of data.


We share your personal data with banks for the purpose of managing your salary and employment benefits; for example, when paying your salary.

Trade unions

We share your personal data with trade unions; for example, in order to fulfil our legal obligations and when carrying out salary reviews.

Employers' organisation

We share your personal data with employers’ organisation in order to comply with our obligations and for the employer’ organisation to be able to carry out salary reviews.

Public authorities

We share your personal data with public authorities; for example, in order to fulfil our legal obligations.

Insurance companies

We share your personal data with insurance companies for example, for evaluation and security reasons (for example, when reporting an accident in the workplace).

Occupational health care service provider

We share your personal data with our occupational health care service provider for the purposes of preventing work-related illnesses and accidents, supporting working and functional capacity, and monitoring working capacity and providing early support.

External advisers

We share your personal data with external advisers; for example, in order to fulfil our legal obligations such as obligations related to accounting.

Hotel and conference facilities and travel agencies

We share your personal data with hotel and conference facilities and travel agencies; for example, when booking business trips.

Potential purchasers and vendors

We may share personal data with potential purchasers and vendors in connection with a business change involving a transfer of all or part of the business.

How long do we store your personal data?

We store your personal data only as long as we need to in order to fulfil our purpose for processing it. We will then safely erase or anonymise your data so that it can no longer be linked to you. For further information about how long your personal data is stored, please see document titled Detailed information about the personal data we process, which can be found at HKScan’s shared intranet or which you can request a copy of from your HR manager.

Where do we process your personal data?

We always strive to process your personal data within the EU/EEA area so that you can feel confident that your data is adequately protected. However, your personal data may in some cases be transferred to and processed in a country outside the EU/EEA area by our service providers. For the ongoing protection of your personal data, we always ensure that there are safeguards in place such as data transfer agreements, which require recipients to protect data in the same way as we do. Information about the countries to which we, where appropriate, transfer your personal data and the safeguards implemented can be obtained upon request.

Your rights

Under data protection regulations, you have certain rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. We process your personal data to the extent necessary in order to fulfill your rights. Please submit requests for exercising your rights through our data privacy website or by contacting us at

You have the right to:

Access your personal data

You have the right to access personal data we process about you. You may request a copy of your personal data through our data privacy website, which can be found here. We will provide you with it unless we have lawful reasons not to share this data or if sharing the data would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

Update your personal data

Furthermore, you have the right to request that incorrect or incomplete personal data is corrected or completed.

Withdraw consent

To the extent we rely on your consent to process personal data you have the right to at any time with­draw your consent.

Object to the processing of personal data

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on a legitimate interest for reasons which concerns your particular situation. In such a situation, we will stop using your personal data where the processing is based on a legitimate interest, unless we can show that the interest over­rides your privacy interest or that the use of your personal data is necessary in order to manage or defend legal claims.

Delete your personal data

Under certain circumstances you have the right to request that your personal data is deleted. However, we cannot delete your personal data if we for example are obligated under law to keep the data.

Restrict the use of your personal data

You have the right under certain circumstances to request that the processing of your personal data is restricted. If the processing of your personal data has been restricted we may only, besides storing the data, process your personal data with your consent, in order to establish, exercise or defend legal claims or to defend rights of others.

Transfer your personal data (data portability)

Finally, you have the right to request a copy of the personal data that we store about you in a struc­tured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability). The right to data portability, compared to the right to access, only comprises such personal data you yourself have provided and which we process based on certain legal grounds, e.g. your consent.

Alterations to this privacy notice

We may in the future be required to update the information in this document; for example, if we process your data for new purposes, collect further data or share your data with recipients other than those already mentioned. Should this be necessary, you will receive an updated document detailing these alterations. The most recent version of this privacy notice is always available on HKScan privacy website.


Contact your manager or send your questions to Should you not be happy with the answers you receive, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority in Finland. You can find the relevant supervisory authority’s contact information here.

HKScan Oyj
Lemminkäisenkatu 48, 20520 Turku


Further information about how we handle your personal data

For further information about how we handle your personal data, please see the document titled Detailed information about the personal data we process, which can be found at HKScan’s shared intranet or which you can request a copy of from your HR manager.