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Privacy Notice for Producers

Read more below.


HKScan Oyj, 0111425-3, and/or any affiliate entity owned or controlled by HKScan Oyj in Finland (“HKScan”, “we”, “us”) is the data controller in relation to the processing of your personal data as a producer (for the purposes of this privacy notice, the term “producer or “you” shall encompass producers operating under legal entity and producers operating as a sole trader).

On this page, we describe how we collect, process and share the personal data that we store. Personal data means any information which may be used to identify an individual. Information relating to a sole trader, involving one or more individuals, is considered personal data. Information relating to a legal entity is not personal data, but information related to such entity’s representative is regarded as personal data.

It is important to us that you feel safe with how we handle your personal data. We take measures to ensure that your personal data is protected and that the processing of your personal data is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection regulations and our internal policies and procedures. In order to obtain more specific information of the retention periods of personal data, please see your local language version of this privacy notice.

From where do we collect your personal data

We may collect your personal data in the following ways:

Personal data that you give to us, e.g. when filling in forms on our website or other forms that we may ask you to complete, or corresponding with us by telephone, email or otherwise.

Personal data that we collect or generate automatically, e.g. when you visit our website and sign in to farming community, we will automatically collect personal data about you and your visit, including login information and the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet (read more about processing of your personal data on our websites here).

Personal data that we collect from other sources, e.g. when we collect your personal data from our partners (such as LSO Osuuskunta and animal health and welfare association ETT), public authorities (such as the Finnish Food Authority), banks or, in connection with background checks, from companies providing credit rating services.

When and why we process your personal data

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Manage the producer relationship

We process your personal data for the purpose of managing the producer relationship, e.g. when registering your contact information in our producer database, managing invoices, archiving producer agreements and possible financing agreements, performing background checks (in order to assess producer’s ability to meet contractual obligations prior to entering into a financing agreement, as requested), and managing orders of goods or services and their deliveries.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Organizational details
  • Financial information
  • Background check data
  • LSO Osuuskunta membership data
  • Purchase/sale data

Legitimate interest (legal entities). The processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of managing the producer relationship.

Performance of a contract (sole traders). We are required to process your personal data in order to fulfil the producer agreement concluded with you.

Storage period: Your personal data is stored during the producer relationship and thereafter as long as necessaryin order for us to fulfil our legitimate interest of handling and meeting any legal requirements. On the other hand, background check data is stored only for a period necessary in order to assess producer’s ability to meet contractual obligations prior to entering into a financing agreement.


Carry out events and other producer activities

We process your personal data if you participate to an event organized by us. In this regard, we process your personal data for the purposes of carrying out events, e.g. when we receive and register your participation as well as when we communicate with you in connection with events.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Participant data
  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Food preferences
  • Organizational details

Legitimate interest Processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of carrying out events.

The data subject has given explicit consent to the processing (Article 9 (2) (a) GDPR). We may process relevant special categories of personal data such as health data only if you submit such data to us voluntarily, thus with your express consent.

Storage period: Your personal data will be retained for this purpose prior to and during the event and thereafter for as long as necessary in order for us to fulfil our legitimate interest in evaluating the event and following up on event participation, as well as to plan any future events.


Provision of producer advisory services for the development of production

When we provide you with advisory services as part of our co-operation, such as business insights and business planning reports on rearing of animals, planning of feeding and animal healthcare, we process your personal data for the purposes of developing production and profitability.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Organizational details
  • Purchase/sale data

Legitimate interest (legal entities). The processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of providing advisory services for your and our benefit.

Performance of a contract (sole traders). We are required to process your personal data in order to fulfil the producer agreement concluded with you.

Storage period: Your personal data is stored during the producer relationship. Reports which do not contain any personal data or statistics are stored indefinitely.


Facilitate internal producer communication for business purposes

We process your data for the purpose of facilitating producer communication, for example, when managing producers contact details as well as when verifying that we have a producer agreement in place prior to granting you access to producers social media group managed by us. We want to maintain such social media group so that, if you want, you may communicate and exchange information with other producers.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Your communication
  • Social media account

Legitimate interest Processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of managing producer contact details and facilitating the exchange of information between producers.

Retention period: Your personal data is stored during the producer relationship.


Producer communication for marketing purposes

If you sign up to subscribe newsletters or similar information provided by automatic means, we will process your personal data for the purposes of providing the requested subscription or information to you as well as in order to promote our brand and business.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details

Consent. The processing is necessary in order to provide the requested subscription or information to you as well as to promote our brand and products.

Storage period: Your personal data will be stored as long as your subscription is active. Your personal data will be deleted after you withdraw your subscription (you can withdraw your consent by following the withdrawal link or by contacting us in accordance with this privacy notice).    


External marketing communication for the purpose of building HKScan’s brand

As part of our co-operation with producers, we may process your personal data in connection with collecting your name, contact details, photo or video record and organisational information in order to publish the collected personal data on our websites, other digital channels or on printed media. In this regard, your personal data is processed for the purpose of building HKScan’s brand in connection with external marketing communication.  

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Photos or video records
  • Organizational details

Consent. The processing is necessary in order to develop our brand in connection with external marketing communication.

Storage period: Personal data which has been published via digital channels is normally retained indefinitely. When it comes to the personal data that we can control, we store your personal data during the time we are providing the marketing content in question and thereafter for as long as necessary in order for us to fulfil our legitimate interest of handling legal claims.


Communication with potential producers for the purpose of fulfilling business needs

If you are not our contractual producer, we may process your personal data in connection with maintaining your contact details (and other necessary personal data) for the purposes of communicating with you via telephone or email to be able to acquire your services and fulfil raw material need or to increase volumes.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Organizational details

Legitimate interests. The processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of acquiring new producers to fulfill business needs.

Storage period: Your personal data is stored as long as we consider that there exists a relevant connection between you and us. We will delete your personal data if you object to our communication or after being informed that you are no longer in the business.


Manage and protect IT systems and services

In order to manage and protect our website, services and related IT systems, e.g. when you sign in to farming community on our website, upon logging, troubleshooting, backup, change and problem management in systems and in connection with potential IT incidents, we process, to the extent necessary, your personal data.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

  • Identity details
  • Contact details
  • Organizational details
  • Online identifiers
  • Login data

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of managing and protecting our website, services and related IT systems.


Storage period: Your personal data is stored during the same period that is stated in relation to each purpose of the processing of your personal data above. Personal data in logs are stored for as long as is necessary for troubleshooting and incident handling.


Comply with legal obligations

We process your personal data in order to fulfil legal obligations, e.g. accounting or tax related obligations.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

All categories of personal data that have been col­lected and which are necessary in order to fulfill each legal obligation.

Legal obligation. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill our legal obligations.

Storage period: Your personal data is stored for such period that is necessary in relation to each legal obliga­tion.


Establish, exercise and defend legal claims

We process your personal data, to the extent it is necessary, to handle and defend legal claims, e.g. in case of a dispute or litigation.

Categories of personal data

Legal basis

All categories of personal data that have been col­lected and which are necessary in order to establish, exercise and defend legal claims.

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of handling and defending legal claims.

Storage period: Your personal data is stored for such period that is necessary for this purpose.

Recipients that we share your personal data with

Where necessary, we share your personal data with others. The recipient is the data controller for the processing of your personal data, unless we have stated otherwise.

We share your personal data with:

Service providers

In order to fulfil the purposes of the processing of your personal data, we share personal data with service providers that we have engaged. These service providers provide IT (such as operation, technical support and maintenance of IT systems), consulting, invoicing and marketing services to us. The service providers may only process your personal data for these purposes and in accordance with our instructions and not for their own purposes. We are the data controller for the processing of personal data that the service providers carry out on our behalf.

Other recipients

In certain cases we share, if necessary, your personal data with other recipients for certain purposes (e.g. to fulfill legal obligations and to handle and defend legal claims).



Legal basis for the transfer

HKScan Group companies

We may share necessary personal data with other HKScan Group companies in Finland for internal administrative purposes, e.g. in connection with managing the producer relationship.

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill our legitimate interests relating to internal administration purposes.

Public authorities, e.g. Finnish Food Authority

We share necessary personal data with public authorities if we are obligated under law to disclose the information.

Legal obligation. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill legal obligations.

LSO Osuuskunta

If you have a membership of association in meat producer community LSO Osuuskunta, we may share necessary personal data with LSO Osuuskunta for the purposes of supporting and ensuring continuity of meat production.

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill our legitimate interests relating to supporting and ensuring continuity of meat production.

Animal health and welfare association (ETT ry)

We may share necessary personal data with animal health and welfare association ETT ry for the purposes of controlling the risks of animal diseases and promote the safety of foodstuffs.

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill our legitimate interest of controlling the risks of animal diseases and promoting the safety of foodstuffs.

Insurance companies

In case you are seeking an insurance with our assistance to protect your business interest, we share your personal data with relevant insurance company in order to ensure that our producers are insured.

Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of ensuring that our producers are insured.


We share your personal data with relevant banks for the purposes of managing the producer relationship, e.g. in connection with forming a finance agreement or when issuing payments in accordance with our contractual obligations.

Legitimate interest (legal entities). The processing is necessary in order to fulfill our legitimate interest of managing the producer relationship.

Performance of a contract (sole traders). We are required to process your personal data in order to fulfil the finance agreement and/or producer agreement concluded with you.

External advisors

We share necessary information with external advisors, e.g. audit firms, and law firms if we are obligated under law to share the information or in order to manage and defend legal claims.

Legal obligation and legitimate interest. The processing is neces­sary in order to fulfill legal obli­gations or, alternatively, to fulfil our legitimate interest of managing and defending legal claims.

Courts, counterparties etc.

In order to manage and defend legal claims we share personal data to other parties.

Legitimate interest. The pro­cessing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of managing and defending legal claims.

Law enforcement authorities, e.g. police

We share personal data with law en­forcement authorities, e.g. the police if we are obligated under law to disclose information.

Legal obligation. The processing is necessary in order to fulfill legal obligations.

Potential buyers and sellers

We share personal data with potential buyers and sellers in case of an acquisi­tion of the business or a merger.

Legitimate interest. The pro­cessing is necessary in order to fulfil our legitimate interest of carrying out the acquisition or the merger.

Your rights

Under data protection regulations, you have certain rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. We process your personal data to the extent necessary in order to fulfill your rights. Please submit requests for exercising your rights through our data privacy website or by contacting us at

You have the right to:

Access your personal data

You have the right to access personal data we process about you. You may request a copy of your personal data through our data privacy website, which can be found here. We will provide you with it unless we have lawful reasons not to share this data or if sharing the data would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

Update your personal data

Furthermore, you have the right to request that incorrect or incomplete personal data is corrected or completed.

Withdraw consent

To the extent we rely on your consent to process personal data you have the right to at any time with­draw your consent. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal

Object to the processing of personal data

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on a legitimate interest for reasons which concerns your particular situation. In such a situation, we will stop using your personal data where the processing is based on a legitimate interest, unless we can show that the interest over­rides your privacy interest or that the use of your personal data is necessary in order to manage or defend legal claims.

Delete your personal data

Under certain circumstances you have the right to request that your personal data is deleted. However, we cannot delete your personal data if we for example are obligated under law to keep the data.

Restrict the use of your personal data

You have the right under certain circumstances to request that the processing of your personal data is restricted. If the processing of your personal data has been restricted we may only, besides storing the data, process your personal data with your consent, or in order to establish, exercise or defend legal claims or to defend rights of others.

Transfer your personal data (data portability)

Finally, you have the right to request a copy of the personal data that we store about you in a struc­tured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability). The right to data portability, compared to the right to access, only comprises such personal data you yourself have provided and which we process based on certain legal grounds, e.g. your consent.

We can update this information

We may occasionally update this information, e.g. if we would process personal data for new pur­poses, collect additional categories of personal data or share personal data with other recipients. In such a case we will notify you in an appropriate way. The latest version of the information is always published on this page.


If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us. See below for contact details. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority within your jurisdiction.

HKScan Oyj
Company registration number: 0111425-3
Lemminkäisenkatu 48, 20520 Turku

Information regarding categories of personal data

Please see the table below for further information regarding which categories of personal data that we process.


Examples of Personal Data

Identity details

  • First name, last name
  • User identity
  • Personal identity number
  • Signature

Contact details

  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number

Organizational details

  • Trade name
  • Representatives
  • Geographical placement
  • Producer number
  • Line of production

Financial information

  • Bank account
  • Information on relevant financial interests
  • Information on ownerships
  • Information related to financing agreement
  • Credit / finance amount
  • Information on valid insurances
  • Insurance coverage

Background check data

  • Trade name and other identity details
  • Persons holding responsible positions
  • Credit rating / status

LSO Osuuskunta membership data


Purchase/sales data

  • Purchase amounts
  • Sales amounts

Participant data

  • Activity
  • Date

Food preferences

  • Food allergies

Your communication


Social media account

  • Social media profile

Photos or video records

  • Photograph
  • Video

Online identifiers

  • IP address
  • Device and browser information

Login data

  • Time stamp
  • Log entry